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If you are concerned about getting braces and you are not sure what decision to make there are a couple of statistic facts that could assist you in making a decision.

AAO has a big database of businesses providing orthodontics services to their clients. AAO surveyed those orthodontic clinics in 2010 and 2012 accordingly and then compared the results. The questions were mostly related to orthodontic patients. Those include aligners, braces, and other orthodontic treatments.

The results of this survey and some other statistical facts may surprise you.

Fact #1. 45% of children need orthodontic treatment. According to the survey, almost a half of children need an orthodontic treatment. It means that ideally almost a half of US population should wear braces at one point or another in their life.

So if you got braces prescription be sure, that you are not alone and it’s normal.

Fact #2. There are almost 6 million orthodontic patients in the US. The exact number is 5,876,000 orthodontic patients and it was registered in 2012 in the US only.

What’s even more exciting is that this number continues to grow every year, so braces are pretty trendy and if you happen to wear ones you will be in the center of this trend.

Fact #3. The average orthodontic treatment duration is 2 years. The average may not work for you though and you can have your teeth being straightened after 6 months as well as after 3 years. The duration varies case-by-case and is determined by your orthodontist depending on your specific case.

Fact #4. 3 out of 4 orthodontic patients report that straightened teeth have the positive impact on their social life and career. It’s well-known that a beautiful smile plays an important role in the relationships and meeting people, so don’t miss the opportunity and get your teeth straightened.

Fact #5. Most orthodontic patients recommend getting the treatment to others. 91% of attendees tend to recommend orthodontic treatment after they have got their teeth totally straight. What’s interesting is that 71% of those people were concerned before starting the treatment.

So the concerns are changing to a massive satisfaction which is a very good thing to know, especially if you are getting braces on too.

Fact #6. The number of male orthodontic patients increased to 44% in 2012. This number was only 15% in 2010, but it seems like men stopped worrying and started getting braces as well.

Everyone wants to have straight teeth.

Fact #7. Orthodontic treatment can be started at the age of 7. It doesn’t mean that you can get braces in this age, but rather it’s better to start a supervision by an orthodontist to plan the treatment in advance.

Fact #8. 78% of Americans associate crooked teeth with unsuccessful people. So if you are in the part of US population who were unlucky with their teeth being a little crooked, then you better get them straightened. People will view you as a successful person more often then.

Fact #9. The number of orthodontic patients under 18 increased by 22% from 2010 to 2012. Professionals didn’t see that big number of orthodontic patients for many years. And kids are the #1 category of this audience.


I hope those facts will lessen your concerns about getting braces and make you more confident.

Those facts are based on the following research studies:



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