Do you want to know how I improved my Waterpik performance and therefore the cleaning effect by simply changing the Waterpik Tip from Orthodontic to the Classic? I went from using the highest 10th pressure setting to 7th just because of a different tip.

At the beginning, I used Orthodontic Tip

When I’ve got my Waterpik Complete Care, I had braces. So the main purpose of my Waterpik was to keep my braces clean. Waterpik has a special Orthodontic Tip for braces. It has a little brush on the end and is designed to clean your braces. So I used it for a while and was pretty happy with it.

At the time I was using the 10th pressure setting on my Waterpik and saw reviews on Amazon. People said that my model Waterpik Complete Care had lower power than Waterpik Ultra.

Some reported that they were using Ultra on the 5th setting, and it cleaned super well. When I read this, I immediately thought that my Waterpik Complete Care must have really lower performance in comparison to Waterpik Ultra. So I was little disappointed since the Complete Care is meant to be a superior model, or at least it looks like it might be. Though, it cleaned my braces well enough.

Researching different Waterpik Tips

So I thought that if my Orthodontic Tip had a brush on the end, it must be lowering the water pressure by some degree. I started researching about different Waterpik Tips. But I didn’t find any specifications in the user manual regarding the water pressure produced by various Waterpik Tips.

So I had to conduct my own study. I took all the Tips that came with my Waterpik and started trying out each of them. The idea was to find a Tip that produced the higher water pressure than my Orthodontic Tip, if such existed.

Classic Jet Tip makes better pressure

It turned out that Classic Jet Tip provides significantly higher water pressure than Orthodontic Tip. When I switched to the Classic Jet Tip I’ve got so much more performance, that my gums got bleeding. I had to decrease the pressure setting from 10th to 7th.

So the performance of Classic Jet Tip is higher and it makes a better water pressure. I still use my Orthodontic tip to clean the braces, though.


Currently, I use Classic Jet Tip on a regular basis because it flosses my teeth better. I really can feel that my Waterpik produces better water pressure with this Tip.

Please note, that I own braces, and I still use Orthodontic Tip for my braces as well. I use it once a day, whereas I use Classic Tip after every meal(5+ times per day.)

So if you feel like your Waterpik lacks some performance try to use Classic Jet Tip and feel the immediate improvement in the performance. You will see the difference in the mirror as well.

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Hello, my name is Alex. Hope you can like and share this content. Thank you so much!