If you are looking for a cordless water flosser that is worth its money then this article should be enough for you to understand what cordless models are out there and which one is the best. It happened that way that I do a lot of research on the oral health and water flossers particularly.

What are the features of a good cordless water flosser:

  • Compact size and portability
  • No cables
  • Ease of use
  • Powerful enough to clean well

So a good water flosser should be small enough, so I could take it with me on travel or just when going out, right? I think that portability is one of the most important features of a cordless water flosser.

No cables. It is a self-explanatory requirement. I don’t have to mess with cables when using a water flosser.

Ease of use. And when I see a small device I assume that it is easy to use it.

Power. A cordless water flosser should be small, compact, but with no expense in power. It should clean well enough and remove plaque with the efficiency comparable to a regular water flosser. Otherwise, what is the sense of having a water flosser that cannot clean my teeth decently at least?

Waterpik Cordless water flossers

Waterpik has two popular cordless water flossers Waterpik Cordless Freedom and Waterpik Prodessional.

Waterpik Cordless Freedom is fully cordless and works from 3 AA batteries. It’s the most portable Waterpik Water Flosser. But it is also least powerful, which is not so good.

Waterpik Cordless Professional Water Flosser is slightly more powerful, but still not enough to do a perfect cleaning.

Both Waterpik Cordless water flossers have small water reservoirs and it makes them inconvenient to use, because you have to refill the water reservoir several times.

JetPik happens to be the best cordless water flosser. JefPik makes a single water flosser model with some modifications in the box packages, but they work identically well.

JetPik is small enough so you can get it with you at any moment. Its handle looks like an electric toothbrush. And indeed it comes with a toothbrush head that is nice. It is actually a pretty good toothbrush.

But let’s back to the water flossing features. JetPik doesn’t have a small embedded water reservoir, and it uses the external cup instead. It makes it possible to use any water container that you have, such as a bottle, cup, etc. It comes with a branded JetPik cup as well, that looks really well.

JetPik is also a cordless water flosser. It works from a rechargeable battery. The charger has a cable, but you need the charger only once a week or so. The battery holds the charge for about a week.

JefPik is very powerful while remaining relatively quite. This is possible thanks to the pulsating dental floss. Its nozzle pulsates dental floss 20 times per second and uses special floss cartridges that you have to replace every few weeks.

Although you have to put a rubber tube into the handle to use your JetPik, so it makes it a little less convenient. But it’s a water flosser, and there is no way you could get rid of it since it needs to get a water from somewhere to floss.


Overall JetPik is absolutely the best cordless water flosser. And if you are looking for one, then I recommend getting JetPik.

Waterpik also has cordless models, but they are bulky and not as convenient to use as JetPik. If you know of any better cordless water flosser, please hit me on social media. I will gladly update this article if there is a better alternative.



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