Waterpik is one of the most popular water flossers out there. It is advertised as a very effective oral health care device. But what they don’t tell you is that Waterpik actually doesn’t replace flossing entirely.

Yes, when you use Waterpik you still have to floss your teeth every once in a while. Waterpik is very powerful, and its countertop models provide a high water pressure of 100 PSI. But it pulsates water which is a liquid and can’t clean hard enough to remove 100% of food, bacteria, and plaque.

And don’t let the fresh feeling after using Waterpik fool you. To have your teeth absolutely clean and not let any bacteria left in between your teeth you still have to floss your teeth.

One thing here, though, is that you can floss your teeth less frequently now since Waterpik is a very powerful device and when you use one you don’t have to floss that often.

But dentists and orthodontists often recommend getting a Waterpik.

And if it doesn’t replace flossing why do they recommend it? Are they paid?

The truth here is that dentists recommend using a Waterpik in addition to flossing and not as a replacement to flossing. Dentists report that water flossing noticeably improves the oral health and helps to fight such dental diseases as tartar and furcations, etc.

But you should remember that when you buy a Waterpik, you still have to floss your teeth to make a significant improvement in your oral health.

What Water Flossers replace flossing entirely

Other water flosser brands make devices that replace flossing completely.

The one that I recommend looking at is JetPik. JetPik has one unique feature. It pulsates dental floss, a regular dental floss but from the special capsules.

JetPik actually pulsates both water and floss. Imagine floss pulsating in between your teeth 20 times per second plus a high pressured water stream. This is what JetPik really does to your teeth. This feature allows JetPik to clean your teeth amazingly well.

JetPik uses dental floss cartridges that look like small capsules that you insert into the water flosser tip(nozzle.) And you have to replace those capsules every 2 weeks or so, depending on how often you floss your teeth. Other than that it is a regular water flosser that looks like an electric toothbrush.

I personally still use my Waterpik Complete Care and I am happy with it. And while it still works and does its job well, I don’t want to replace it with JetPik.

But the next water flosser that I will use will definitely be JetPik.


Waterpik is a powerful Water Flosser, and its the most popular countertop models provide a really high pressure. But this pressure is not enough since water cannot clean your teeth like a dental floss. And while it cleans very well and leaves a nice fresh feeling in your mouth, you still have to floss your teeth once a week or so.

To replace flossing entirely you need something more than water. And that’s what JetPik does. It pulsates both water and dental floss. JetPik makes a really effective cleaning. In the result, the regular flossing becomes an unnecessary thing. Just remember, that you have to replace dental floss capsules in JetPik regularly.

If you know of any other water flossers, that also replace flossing and are also good and reliable, feel free to hit me on social media, and I will gladly add them as an alternative.



Hello, my name is Alex. Hope you can like and share this content. Thank you so much!