SmarToiletries Water Flosser is good. But pay attention to what I’m saying next. It’s a white labeled product made in China.
Don’t know what is a white labeled product? It’s simple. It’s manufactured in China in a factory without logo and then the seller just puts his logo on it.
The exact process is more complex, but you got the idea. Some factory is making those water flossers and just putting different companies logos on it and selling it to them. And they then resell it to you with x2 price markup.
They even may ask you for more money if they present their product in a better light. There are different ways to do it, but you get the idea.
The cheapest one is identical to the most expensive one
So my advice is to take this product from a seller with the cheapest price possible. It will be the same product, but with less cost for you.
The products also have different colors so I recommend picking the one that you like the most.
Gladly for you, I found all the sellers and put their products here. So make sure you check the prices in a real time by clicking on each product and choosing the cheapest one.
Don’t worry, you will not miss on the quality. Those products are exactly the same. The only difference is the logo on the water flosser.
Now let’s review the water flosser itself
The product is cordless. The charge usually holds for a week. It is a good result.
The performance is also fine. The product has 3 settings. The highest one provides good water pressure and cleans your teeth well(even if you got braces).
The water tank is 6 oz (180 ml). It’s a good capacity for a cordless water flosser. You will have to refill it for a decent cleaning, though. But it is a must for any cordless water flosser (if you want a huge water tank without a need to refill it, I suggest you take a look at my Waterpik Aquarius review).
SmarToiletries works supports dual voltage 100v-240v. So you will have no problems using it overseas.
The water flosser is 8 inches (20 cm) high. The box itself is 10 inches.
So the water flosser is good and cheap. If you like it I recommend buying the cheapest one, since they are identical and the only difference is the logo.
Hello, my name is Alex. Hope you can like and share this content. Thank you so much!